Monday, September 1, 2008


Apart of looking good small cars consume less gas, occupy less space in traffic and parking lots and are as functional in the city as their bigger counterparts.

This site is dedicated to all of those small beauties. Hopefully when you check our small but growing collection you will abandon your SUV and get one of those :)

It is hard to maintain such a site while having full time job, so all contributions are welcome. Since most of the pictures are taken without cars' owners permission below you will find some rules for taking a image submission:

1. All license plates in the picture must be removed/masked. Same rule apply for people. If you don't have the time/skills to do that by submitting a picture you agree I can change the image without breaking your copyright rights.

2. If the photographed car is not clearly seen you allow cropping of the picture and if needed other picture manipulation for better results.

3. Picture should be taken from the person submitting or close relative. Everyone can do Google/Wikipedia image search. Only original pictures needed.

4. Unless otherwise specified your picture will be published with Creative commons license. If you want to change the license (for example full copyright) you should say so explicitly when submitting. In case you select more restrictive license bear in mind point 1 applies without exceptions.

Howto submit a picture:

1. If you know me personally - contact me the usual ways and we will figure it out :)

2. Otherwise, send me an email to cutelittlecars [at] gmail [com] com . Copy the text below, fill the blanks and attach the pucture/give link to it. Please don't send me bigger than 1MB pictures. THANK YOU!

------Copy begin
Model of the car: [fill it if you know it or if you guess]
Picture taken at: [fill the city and country]
Author's name: [fill if you want attribution]
Author's site: [fill if you have one. Will be used for attribution. Microbloging site as twitter is ok too.]

License: [If you want to change it please state it here. Default one used is]

I have read the submission rules at and I agree to them.
------Copy end